

主演:??? 郑大贤 白朱豪 

















入库更新时间:2022-08-12 12:08:09

???电影导演执行导演的《MealKid》,2020年公映迄今得到 了非常好的用户评价,是由???,郑大贤,白朱豪等出演的一部非常好的韩国。

MealKid剧情:  过了节  Festival-Celebrating  “过了节”一词在原文中出现了7次。根据不同的上下文,需要使用不同的译文。主题适译作:festival-celebrating。第一句中的“节日”指的是具体的节日,翻译成“festivals”比较好。  小时候住在乡下,常常盼着节日。记得最开心的节日,正是年末的“谢天谢地”。  I always looked forward to festivals while a kid living in the countryside. As I now recall it, no other festivals held greater fascination for me than “Thanksgiving” ceremony held at the end of the Chinese lunar year.  fascination noun  1. [C, usually sing.] · a very strong attraction,the makes sth very interesting魅力;巨大魅力:  Water holds a fascination for most children.  水对很多孩子有很大的魅力。  “楽しい”几个汉英词典提供的对应词是delight、plaeasure、joy,但似乎都不合适。我们建议使用fascination这个词,向孩子传达对过年一系列祭祀活动的所有神秘感和对供奉珍馐料理的期待之情。  “年末”是指中国的阴历年末,应该翻译成“the end of the Chinese lunar year”。  “谢天地”是告别时的仪式之一,可以借用“桑库斯吉宾”这个词。这里符合英语的表达习惯,民族特征也不失。  中国传统节日的日期必须用以下表达方式来表达(来自张满胜英语语法的新思考)  阳历the solar callendar  阴历the lunar callendar  农历7月7日the seventh of the seventh lunar month  农历8月15日the fifttenth of the eighth lunar month  旧历1月初the first of the first lunar month  感谢天地之后,母亲用福礼汤(鸡肉、肉汤)下的银丝面,那份美丽至今仍留有美好的记忆。  To express gratitude to Heaven and Earth, Mother would use, among other dishes, “Thanks-for-Happiness Soup” (chicken and meat soup as one of the offerings, and, the rituals over, she would cook the whitest and finest noodles(called “silver-thread noodles”) in the broth. The delicious taste lingers to this day!  应该直译成“谢完天地”。如上所述,thanksgiving是基督教徒对神表示感谢的东西。这里马上显示中国人的Thanksgiving是Heaven and Earth。  翻译作品「Thanks-for-Happiness Soup」(Chicken and Meat Soup),是感谢天地的恩惠的意思吧。看来没有必要将“福礼”的两个字进行音译和注释。这样做只会增加篇幅,增加译文读者的困难,影响原文的鉴赏性,没有其他效果。考虑到这种“汤”没有普及,一般中国人都不知道它的材料,原作者已经用括号标明,我们必须翻译。  “银线面”并不是直译为“silver-thread noodles”,而是应该翻译成“极细极白的面”,如果给读者加上括号告诉中文名字的话,可能会增加韵味。  “留下美好的记忆”是“retain very beautiful memory of”  ...”似乎无所谓,似乎合乎心意。The delicious taste lingers to this day!这样翻译生动具体。  工作之后,我渐渐对节日不感兴趣了。因为我单身的时候喜欢看书,喜欢笔耕。一到节日假期,图书馆就关门了,所以只能着急。因为时间白白流逝,所以我讨厌节假日。  After I graduated and started my career, my interest in festival-celebrating began to fade. When I was single, I loved reading and writing, which necessitated frequent trips to libraries to consult the relevant data When such a need should arise during the holidays when the libraries were usually not open, I’d feel much dismayed, being absolutely unable to make use of the valuable time that flew by.  dismayed adj  1. worried, disappointed, and upset when something unpleasant happens  •担心、失望、担心:  »dismayed to see / discover / learn etc  »Ruth was dismayed to see how thin he had grown. 露丝看到自己这么瘦很担心。  ▪ [+ at / by ]  »They were dismayed at the cost of the repairs.  我们中国人填写简历的时候,有时间参加工作。这往往是指毕业后的“就业时间”。军队有时也指“入伍时间”。有时概念不明。我们参考译文明确了这个情况。随笔作者的工作考虑到不寻常,喜欢写,好像用career更好。不应该翻译成after I gota job,而是有暧昧性,可以解释为“失业找到工作了”。  这句话的“祝日”是指庆祝节日,译为“festival-celebrating”。  这句话很长,所以翻译之前必须整理逻辑关系,组织句子。我们把原文分解成两个句子翻译了。  不要把字典里的“be anxious but unable to do anything”原封不动  ”这是因为作者当时的心情不是anxiety(焦虑、忧愁),而是dismy(沮丧、失望、沮丧)。  在很多家务事中,每天买菜是我的任务。中国人过节日,吃是主要内容,为了显示节日的气氛和水平,至少要把它做成10菜8菜。  Of the many household duties after my marriage, going marketing everyday is my job. Festival celebration for us Chinese chiefly consists in eating. To help create the festival atmosphere and show off the level of the festivities, at least a score of meat and vegetable dishes should be laid out.  “家务多中”是指“结婚后”的家务。我们用参考译文补充了。  “买蔬菜”不仅指蔬菜,还指“十菜八菜”的原料,所以可以使用go marketing。  “十菜八肴”这里的“十”和“八”都是模棱两可的数字,意思是一、二十个,多表示。可以用a dozen of/a score of来表示。这样的使用方法在我们之前的学习中也经常遇到。  这样的话,节前的紧急进货暂且不说,节后的剩菜也只剩我一个人处理了,妻子和孩子们不想吃第二天的菜,所以从小就来到农村被陶冶着“谁知道中国菜,粒子很苦”的我,断然拒绝扔掉能吃的剩菜节后每天都吃剩菜。所以我不喜欢节假日。  So, besides the pre-festival frantic shopping, the post-festival disposal of the leftovers fell to my lot, my wife and children being loath to touch the leavings. Born in the countryside and always taught to believe profoundly in the need to “treasure each and every grain of rice in the bowl”, I flatly refuse to throw away the leftovers. Therefore, in the days immediately following the festival I had to finish up the scraps one by one. Hence, my distaste for the festivals.  这一段出现了三次“剩菜”,一词“第二天的菜”,翻译时要注意变化。这是第一次用“lefttovers”这个词指“(上次没吃过的)残留物”。  被陶冶“谁知道中国菜,粒也很苦”的诗句,出自唐朝李绅著名诗篇“怜农”的后两句。这里取这个10个文字的精神翻译成“taught to believe produly in the need to”。  frantic adj.  1.done quickly和d with a lot of activity,but in a way theat is not very well organized・紧张忙碌;忙得不可开交  2.unable to control your emotions because your are extremely frrightened or worried about sth・无法控制感情、疯狂的  leftover noun the been eaten at the end of a meal·吃剩的食物;剩饭 object,a custom or a way of behaving theat remains from earlier time·遗物;遗留下来的风俗  loath (also less frequent loth)adj. ~ to do sth (formal)  ・not willing to do sth・不合本意;不感兴趣:  He was loath to admit his mistake. 他不想承认自己的错误。  flatly adv.  1.ina way theat is very和will not be坚决;斩钉截铁地  坚决否定/拒绝/反对 a dull way with very little interest or emotion·无聊之地;缺乏无趣的热情:  scrap noun,verb scraps[pl.]・food leftafter a meal・残羹剩饭:  Give the scraps to the dog. 把剩下的菜给狗吧。  distaste noun [U, sing.] ~ (for sb/sth)・a feeling thatsb/sth is unpleasant or offensive・不喜欢;反感:  He looked around the filthy room in distaste. 他厌烦地看着这间脏屋子。  重点表现  只不过是noother而已。。。than  年末(中国阴历年末)the end of the Chinese lunar year  谢谢。。。express gratitude to  留在记忆里  是的。。。没兴趣的began to fade  layout布局  落在我一个人身上  讨厌  “中国菜是谁知道的,粒粒很辛苦。”  倒过来



